First reason: Track workout. I made an “appointment” to meet with my buddy Jimmy, an awesome runner. I just started again to do interval runs, and having somebody fast on the track helps. Jimmy told me at the end, ”you looked strong; you looked like you had not done any track in a while.” Funny. I actually felt bad- heavy and sluggish and slow. My legs did not wanna go as fast I wanted them to. The first 400’s are ok, but then my feet just would need to keep the speed. It will come back soon, I am sure.
The third reason was that I had a $20 certificate from Kincaid’s restaurant. The restaurant won several awards for years. Never been there. No one I know had time to go, so I went on my own. It is weird going for dinner by myself, because usually I face always the same question: ARE YOU VISITING? No, I live here. OH! SO YOU ARE AN INTERNATIONAL STUDENT I SUPPOSE? No I work here. OOHH, OK. WOULD YOU LIKE TO WAIT WITH YOU ORDER UNTIL YOUR COMPANY IS HERE? No, I am by myself and I would like to start with some water please. Thank you. OHHH SURE –NO PROBLEM I WILL BE RIGHT WITH YOU!
Then I waited for 15’ to get bread and water. Despite waiting, the food came almost cold. They gave me free desert because I had to wait so long. Figure, I ordered my bread without butter on top and my fish without fried crust. High caloric desert REALLY makes up for it. The only thing that was nice was a band playing in the other room and the view to the harbor. The seat opposite of me was VERY empty and I missed the person who usually would come with me. And actually, the best dinner I have ever had was in Kailuana. It was oven baked Ahi, sweet potatoes and brokkoli. So simple, so stunning, so good. Very special.
1 comment:
Blog followers and other interested parties may like to know that restaurant reviewer and Tricoach Marion has endorsed the ladies room at E & O Trading Company in San Francisco as Acceptable. All of this happened just before she went all Strine.
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